Wednesday, July 8, 2015



Okay so we already did two Dream Team Girls
So its about time we do a popular figure from the "Mybeauer" side.

Yuli,ItzJerz, or Jersey is most known for the nice things she writes on her "Jewel"s wall.
She is also known for giving greetings to her very TOP supporters.
She is one of the very few famous MovieStarPlanet players that make videos on Youtube.
Of course, along with: (Pumpchkin,Riley@Sahs,Papa The Dinosaur etc.) She is also known to use the quote:
"Nothing is prettier than a Jersey Jewel" Which may have did start a few fights.. :/
She was accused of copying Vivi Giovanni on her old account JerseyHotMess
because she bought freckles, which started a feud between the two.

Usual Appearance
She has Light Pink "Cherry Gloss" Lips. "Pretty Perfect" blue eyes. A tan-ish complexion.
She has a girly style as she describes, and makes looks that go with the weeks theme.

Jersey`s Promise.
In the very beginning, she started with one of her best friends, Daniela, when they first discovered MSP.. Daniela soon took her own life, December,29,2012
because of online bullying towards her. Jersey has stated at her best friend`s funeral,
She would  "change all the online bullying and not let anyone do what you did."
Jersey still keeps that promise to this very day. And says thats the only reason she still plays MSP.
All this information is included in her old artbook on her current account, ItzJerz and her old account, JerseyHotMess wich actually can still be seen if you keep scrolling on Artbook Highscores.

Jersey`s Jewels are known to have a ongoing feud with Pumpchkin and her porters.
Messages and wall comments of rude or hateful things between the two groups have been seen. The tension is never ending between the groups and Porters are encouraged to not add Jewels or Mybeauers seeing them as a threat or bully.
Even with all this tension Jersey still says nice things on peoples wall INCLUDING Porters. Which they think is a way of taunting them and trying to make them become Jewels.
The Dream Team doesn't add Jewels or Mybeauers at all. 

Jersey`s old account, JerseyHotMess was a level 24 account. 
(Which back then was a big deal) She was banned for language and bullying.
Which, when re-joining Jersey had said was by one of her ex-BFFS
which was proven by posting a picture on Twitter When she did, it was to shock everyone. Porters rejoiced and celebrated while Jewels were left, sad and confused.
However, while she was gone. Her Supporters kept putting "Jewel" in their statuses.
A few days later, Jersey re joined MSP as ItzJerz.
When she re-joined it was a big surprise but Jewels still praised in joy.
And yet Porters were just disappointed. They wanted her gone. 
Some (NOT ALL) Porters hated her even more and the hate just keeps coming.

- She has a YouTube channel
- Her real name is Yuliana 
- She changed her facial appearance when she is bored
- She has 5 known accounts.
- She is JerseyHotMess
- She is a teenager in High School
- She is often called out by Porters
- She has a promise to end online bullying.